Humber Ready Mix is a locally owned and operated company in Western Newfoundland, we began our business in 2011 and our team, together, has over 23 years’ experience in the ready-mix industry. We take great honor in our commitment to our community, clients, and employees. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service and remarkable product quality!
Well-trained, well-maintained and ready to work for you. Our experience in a variety of settings makes Humber Ready Mix the ideal choice for your concrete needs.
At Humber Ready Mix we have a brand-new ACA certified computerized batch plant and scales, eight (8) cement trucks, two of which have 30’ ezextenz telescopic chutes and two pumper trucks.
Humber Ready Mix maintains the highest safety standards possible, including our organization being COR certified as per the Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Safety Association (NLCSA).
Choose Humber Ready Mix for commercial jobs of any size.
Humber Ready Mix can help you realize the potential of your home.
HRM works to improve local infrastructure in Western Newfoundland.
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From commercial projects to residential solutions, Humber Ready Mix offers a wide range of products to help you realize your vision.